2 x 100uf 16v capacitor to fix P95 audio issue

2 x 100uf 16v capacitor to fix P95 audio issue

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A common fault occurs on Yamaha P95 where you have no sound output. We cannot guarantee this is the cause of you problem but there are many reports of this fault and it is relatively easy to solve using these parts if you have access to basic soldering equipment.

Check there is nothing plugged into the headphone socket (I know it is obvious but often the headphone adaptor is left behind)

Carry out a master reset : Hold down the highest white key whilst turning power on, hold for 10 seconds.

If there is still no sound then a possible fix is to replace capacitor C216 & C217 on the main AM board.

This should only be carried out if you are able to solder small components, note these capacitors are polarity marked so MUST be fitted the same way as the ones removed and marked on the board.


If the fault persists then you should contact your local Yamaha service centre for further advice.

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